Matravers School



Matravers School offers a broad and balanced curriculum tailored to meeting our wider school vision: to provide the best opportunities for all those in the Matravers family.

We operate a fortnightly timetable of 50 one-hour lessons on-site which gives a weekly teaching time of 25 hours for the compulsory curriculum. We do not offer off-site provision with other providers.

Matravers follows the requirements of the National Curriculum, whilst recognising the entitlement of students to a broad and balanced curriculum beyond the legal requirements.

How to help your child at school


Take a daily interest

  • Ask about your child’s homework – find out when work is due and whether they need any help with anything.
  • Find out the topics your child will be studying each term by looking at the Golden Nuggets.
  • Check Matravers Matters for upcoming events and mark your calendar straight away for activities that will include your child or talk to their teachers.


Support your child’s reading

  • Encourage them to read magazines, comics and newspapers as well as books.
  • Buy books for presents – those that tie in to a favourite television show, pop band or computer game are often a hit.
  • Read the books or plays your child is studying in school and discuss what you have read with them.


Get the most from school reports

  • Read them carefully and note your child’s strengths and weaknesses – work out what they need to do to improve in weak areas.
  • Give praise when your child has done well, but for areas of concern agree on specific things that can be done to improve.
  • Compare reports from year to year to highlight areas of improvement and concern.



Make the most of Parents Evenings

  • Spend some time with your child before the evening discussing their strengths, weaknesses and any problems at school.
  • Make a list of questions to ask teachers about your child's work, how they get along with classmates and their general attitude towards school.
  • Be prepared to listen when meeting teachers, even to criticism of your child's work or behaviour.
  • Ask questions, especially if you don't understand or agree with something.
  • Try to take away from the meeting some positive steps that you, your child and the teachers can take to help your child succeed.



Take advantage of museums and galleries


A fun day out for the family can also be a great learning opportunity. Museums and galleries can help bring your child's school work to life.

The internet can help you plan your visits:

  • Search for specific kinds of exhibits by place, date or subject at more than 3,000 museums, galleries and heritage attractions at the 24 Hour Museum. 
  • Search for galleries, art museums and art centres by geographic region at the Gallery Finder.