Matravers School



The Matravers School Uniform (for Key Stage 3 and 4)

Smart and correctly worn uniform exemplifies a pupil’s pride in their school; we aim for all our pupils’ appearance to reflect our high standards of education. The policy below is a guide for parents and pupils regarding appropriate school appearance, the details listed in the policy are not exhaustive, the school remains the final arbiter of any decision regarding appropriate uniform. 

Should any pupil arrive at school with an aspect of their uniform or appearance that is outside the scope or in breach of this policy, Matravers School reserves the right to determine its appropriateness. It is a parent's responsibility to ensure their child adheres to the policy. We expect parents to support their child to correct any infringements and therefore avoid any impact on their experience of school and education.

Matravers School expects the uniform to be worn correctly and with pride while in school and while commuting to and from school. During periods of hot weather, school staff will identify variations to the policy which are permitted.

If you have any questions or wish to check the appropriateness of your child’s appearance, please contact Matravers School.

Our Uniform and Appearance Policy can be found through this link:

Uniform_and_Appearance_Policy_2024-2025.pdf (


Second-hand Uniform

At Matravers School we will ensure that a there is at least a termly offer for families to purchase high-quality second-hand uniform. We will request donations periodically, but you can hand them in at our reception anytime. We are seeking the support of our P.T.A. in order to provide additional opportunities to purchase second-hand uniform.