Matravers School



Children and Young people have a fundamental right to be protected from harm. Families have a right to expect schools to provide a safe and secure environment. All schools have a legal duty to work with other agencies, for example social services and the police, to safe guard children's welfare.

We will follow the child protection procedures set out by the Wiltshire Local Safeguarding Vulnerable People's Partnership and take account of guidance issued by the Department for Education.

Key Staff

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Tom Phillips (Assistant Headteacher).

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Thorne and Mrs Morris.

The Governor with responsibility for Child protection is Mrs Kelly Martin.

Key Documents

A copy of the Child Protection Policy is available from our Policies section of our website:

Matravers School - Policies

A copy of the Safeguarding Children Procedures Booklet can be viewed below:

Safeguarding Booklet